
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rainbow Lamingtons for 1st Blogoversary & 100th Post

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Today marks two milestones, my 1st Blogoversary & 100th post. Can't believe a year has passed! This blog was started exactly a year ago, just to keep record of all my tried & tested recipes. It has become my passion now and I really enjoy it. In this blogging journey, I have met so many kind blogging friends who who have always been encouraging me through their lovely comments. I enjoy reading every single one. Thank you all for being so supportive! Hope you will continue your support :)

To celebrate my blogoversary & my 100th post, I wanted to make something sweet & special. These lamingtons are my all-time favorite. The cake itself is quite soft & moist. After dipping in syrup, they would be more moist and melt in your mouth. And with the coconut, they tastes like a piece of heaven. So here goes the recipe:

Rainbow Lamingtons

Makes : 24 squares

  • 1 quantity prepared Butter Cake ( see recipe
  • 2 cups castor sugar
  • 2 tbsp. corn flour
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 20 gm. butter
  • Food colors ( green, pink, yellow )
  • Unsweetened shredded coconut or desiccated coconut, as required

Method :
  • Bake the cake; cool, wrap, and chill overnight. 
  • Use a large serrated knife to trim the crusts from the top and bottom of the cake. 
  • Cut the cake into 3 equal pieces width-wise and then in half lengthwise. 
  • Cut each portion into 4 squares.You'll get 24 squares.
  • Prepare the Icing.
  • Combine sugar, cornflour & milk in a medium saucepan.
  • Cook on low heat until sugar is dissolved.
  • Add butter and continue cooking until butter is melted & the Icing is smooth and runny.
  • Divide Icing mixture into 3 bowls. Tint each with food coloring to desired color (add one drop at a time).
  • Use a fork to dip each cake square in the icing mixture to coat. Shake off excess ( or hold the cake over the bowl of Icing. Spoon warm Icing over squares, covering completely ).
  • Transfer to the bowl of coconut; roll the cake in the coconut to evenly coat, pressing coconut onto sides.
  • Transfer to a wire rack to set.
Note :
  • These can be made the day before and stored in an airtight container for up to 2 days.
  • You can use your favorite cake recipe to make these.

    Sending this to these events : Winter Carnival , Bake Fest #1 , Christmas Delicacy , Bake with your heart , CC- Holiday BakingLove lock with sweets


    Linking this recipe to these :

    A Round Tuit Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop , Friday Favorites , Hookin Up with HoH , It’s a Keeper Thursday , It's a Party! , More The Merrier Monday , {nifty thrifty sunday}Savory Sunday , Savvy HomeMade Monday  , Simply Link{Party} , Strut Your Stuff SaturdaySundae Scoop , Sweet Indulgences Sunday , Sweet Tooth Friday , Sweets for a Saturday , Tasty Tuesday Party , The Sunday Showcase Party , These Chicks Cooked Link Party , Think Pink Sundays , Tuesday Confessional Link Party , Tuesday Time Out Link Up Party , Weekend Show Off Party , Full Plate Thursday  , SYS Blog Link Party , Holiday Link Party , fridays unfolded , Feature Yourself Friday , Freestyle Friday , Sundae Shake Up , Tuesday Talent Show , Stir, Stitch and Straighten , Thrifty Thursday , Delicately Constructed Friday! , Potpourri Party , Family FridayBlog Stalking Thursday , Wicked Awesome Wednesday , Bake with Bizzy , Sweet Treats Thursday , Serenity Saturday{holiday sweep swap , Three Weeks Of Thanks , Let's Do Brunch , Shine On Fridays , Anything Goes Linky Party! , Anything Goes Linky , Creative Juice Thursday

    Thank you for stopping by. Hope you enjoy the recipe!!!


    1. Lamingtons looks so colourful and delicious..:)
      Congrats girl on achieving this milestone and all the very best for more such occasions..:)

    2. colorful.very attractive dish

    3. Congrats Ambreen. Lamingtons look so cute.

    4. Yum,yum yummy!!!
      Congrats my dear! Its great that you have shared so many yummy recipes past year & 100th post seems Awesome!
      so colorful..mouth watering :)Let me taste it !!

    5. Congrats for your 100th post and yummy colourful rainbow cake is awesome.

    6. Congrats for your 100th post and yummy colourful rainbow cake is awesome.

    7. congrats for 100th post and blog anneersray. cake picies are looking beautiful

    8. Congrats Ambreen!!wish you many more blog anniversaries!
      looks delicious n colorful..perfect to celebrate the day!
      You can link this to my event Ongoing Event -Christmas Delicacy (15 Nov-31 Dec 2011)
      Erivum Puliyum

    9. Happy bloggaversary and on your 100 th post and may you have many more of them :D . The lamingtons look lovely and perfect for you anniversary .

    10. such a pretty platter...wish to see another 100 from you real soon.

    11. Double congrats dear..perfect way to celebrate..they look gorgeous.

    12. Congratulations on your 100th post and blog anniversary! The sweets are very cute and very appropriate for the occasion!

    13. Congrats Ambreen on ur 100th post, those lamingtons looks damn cute and catchy.

    14. congrats dear... super delicious irresistible yummy dish..

    15. congratulations for reaching this milestone... Rainbow lamingtons look delicious.. fabulous recipe..

    16. Congrats on your 100th post and 1 year of blogging! These lamingtons look so yummy - I've pinned them on pinterest so I can make them with my girls in the holidays!

      Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
      Hope you have a great week!
      Jill @ Creating my way to Success

    17. Double Congratulations,colorful and beautiful dessert.

    18. hi ambree, CONGRATS on your 1st blogoversary and 100th ! look at the lovely rose petals, falling all over and fill up my desk top :)
      your lamingtons look delicious and very pretty.. have a wonderful day ambreen.

    19. Congratulations dear! These lamingtons look very yummy and colorful. Perfect for the celebration

      Herbs & Flowers: Spring Onions

    20. Thank you each of you for the warm comments. I really appreciate it :)

    21. Congrats on your Bloggaversary and on your Hundredth post. Wow?

      This is an appropriate festive post to celebrate. Thanks for sharing your special time with Bake with Bizzy.

    22. Hi, first time here. congrats on ur blog anniv and 100th post. cake looks awesome. Iam totally impressed with ur recipes. glad to follow u :)

    23. Congrtad Ambreen, your are doing a great job with your blog full of all the yum recipes like this one. Great going n wishes for many such beautiful milestones to come.Hugs!

    24. congrats
      delicious looking colourful lamingtons

    25. These look so pretty and delicate. Thanks for sharing. I bet they taste wonderful. Congrats on your Blogoversary. I would love for you to join my weekly linky, fri-monday come strut your stuff at Bacon Time. If you like free giveaways, I have some real big ones ending soon.

    26. Wow! That's a big accomplishment! Thos cakes look yummy. I have pinned you!

    27. Hope your Blogiversary was brilliant! I have wondered what lamingtons were for many years now (I think I heard about them on an episode of the Archers a good 10 years ago!) - thanks so much for clearing that up :-)

    28. Those look very colourful and delectable. A nice cake to celebrate the blog anniversary.

    29. Those look so cute, and sound wonderful!

    30. These look so good! They're one of my dad's favorites.:)

    31. Happy Blogiversary.

      Those lamingtons are rainbows on a plate - lovely.

    32. Thank you so much everyone for visiting & your lovely comments :)

    33. What a great dessert to celebrate your Anniversary and 100th post. Congratulations on all your hard work! Hope you are having a great holiday week end. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope you will come back soon!
      Miz Helen

    34. following you back with GFC and Pinterest too :)

    35. These cakes look amazing. Congrats on one year of blogging, that is great.

    36. Congrats on your anniversary! The lamingtons look wonderful!

      Thanks for sharing at Potpourri Friday!

    37. º°❤
      Olá, amiga!
      Feliz aniversário para o seu blog!!!
      Bolo colorido muito convidativo... delicioso.
      Boa semana!
      Beijinhos. º° ✿
      ♫° Brasil

    38. Hi Ambreen, CONGRATULATIONS on your 1st blogoversary and 100 posts EXCELLENT.
      Thank you also for following my blog I am already a follower of yours Good Work and look forward to more posts to come :)

    39. Thank you all so much for the wishes & your kind words :)

    40. These look so good, I can't wait to make them. I thought I would use my pound cake recipe. Seems like that would work. Thanks for sharing.

    41. Congradulations!! Keep up the good work. Your recipes look and sound delicious!

    42. Congrats dear, Lamingtons are absolutely yummy and tempting.

    43. Happy 100th post!

      Happy to follow your blog for more of your food ideas!

    44. these sound just heavenly...blessings...

    45. Congratulations on your first blogversary! I hope you continue to enjoy blogging as much as I do - and I've been doing it for nearly 10 years now! Thank you for sharing these beautiful Rainbow Lamingtons with Let's Do Brunch.

    46. Congratulations Ambreen:) Way to go and wish for many more such anniversaries to come by!Lovely lamingstons you have here - keep rocking!

    47. Congrats on your milestone! And thanks for stopping by my blog! Following you back! :)

    48. Many thanks friends for visiting & leaving nice words :)

    49. These look and sound delicious!! Congrats on your anniversary and thanks for sharing at shine on Friday! Hope you'll join us again with another fabulous recipe!!

    50. This sure calls for double celebration -- congrats sweetheart!! Those laminations look incredibly YUM!

    51. Wow! These look yummy! And so cute!

      Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites! I'm featuring you this week. Come by and grab my featured button if you'd like one.

    52. Congrats on the anniversary and the 100th post. Wish you many more to come. Lamingtons look yummy and perfect for the occasion. Thx for linking to the event.

      Event: Sinful Delights
      Event: Stuffed Paratha

    53. This looks absolutely mouthwatering!

    54. Looks yummy and awesome presentations

    55. This looks super yum and the recipe is simple too..donno how i missed this post!
      Congrats on your milestones! Happy blogging!

    56. Congrats on both of your milestones, that's awesome!! This is a very unique recipe, I've never seen anything like it before. Thanks for sharing it!! I'm a new follower. Can't wait to try some of these delish treats out!

    57. so pretty what a great treat reminds me of the pretty christmas tree lights come see me at
