
Thursday, April 14, 2011

My 50th Post: Marble Cake and Awards

Marble Cake

* Prep. Time : 20 minutes
* Cook Time : 30 - 40 minutes
* Serves : 6 - 8

 Ingredients :
  • 125 gm. butter, softened
  • 125 gm. caster sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla essence
  • 112.5 gm. plain flour
  • 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/4 cup milk, as required
  • 12.5 gm. ( 2 tbsp. ) cocoa powder

Method :
  • Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease & line a 7" to 8" round tin with baking paper.
  • In a large bowl, beat butter until smooth ( for 2 - 3 min.)
  • Add the sugar and beat until light and creamy.
  • Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.
  • Beat in the vanilla.
  • Sift the flour and baking powder in a bowl.
  • Now fold the flour mixture in the butter mixture.
  • Add ( 2 tbsp. ) milk and mix until well combined.
  • Combine cocoa powder with remaining milk in a small bowl.
  • Divide cake mixture in half and stir cocoa mixture into one half, keeping other half plain.
  • Spoon mixture alternately into prepared tin. Swirl the batter with a knife or wooden skewer and make zigzag patterns ( OR ) Use the simple method by spreading plain batter at bottom & top, dark in between, and then make zigzags.
  • Bake for 30 - 40 minutes or until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean.
  • Transfer the cake to a wire rack and let it cool for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the cake from the tin and allow to cool before cutting into slices to serve.

Now coming to awards, Shobha of Food Mazaa has shared these lovely awards with me. You can check her blog for delicious recipes and ideas. Thank you Shobha ... I'm really grateful to you!


I am sharing this award with all of you for stopping by here, for reading my posts. I would like to thank you all for your support & encouragement. You are all so kind!

Sending this to the event Celebrate Sweets – Cakes hosted this month by Sonia at Dinner Recipes from Sonia's Kitchen , started by Nivedita 

Thank you for stopping by. Hope you enjoy the recipe !!!


  1. Hearty Hearty congrats sweet Ambreen on your milestone and the awards- Well deserved and wish you many many more - The cake looks outtasight :)

  2. Beautiful cake dear- loved the marbling effect!
    Congrats on your milestone and wish you many many more to come..HUGS!
    US Masala

  3. Wow....the cake looks superb....soft and fluffy....nice presentation..Congrats on the awards dear...

  4. Congrats dear! And lovely marble cake!

  5. Hi Ambreen

    Congrats on your 50th post. Cake looks great as well.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  6. Wow beautiful marble effect..gorgeous cake
    Congrats on your 50th post and also for the award..Keep Rocking!

  7. wow cake looks so beautiful !! Excellent work !! So delicious and yummy !!

  8. Beautiful marble cake, lovely patterns, congrats on ur 50th post,keep rocking gal..

  9. congratulation on reaching the milestone and for the awards too.

    Yummy looking marble cake

  10. the cake looks fantastic, congratulations on ur well deserved awards!

  11. Congrats on ur awards dear !

    love the cake.. the design is perfect.. moist n fluffy.. wish i was staying close to ur house :)

  12. Hearty congratulations dear.rock it.wonderful to have it.

  13. Thank you very much ladies for your wishes. I'm grateful to you all for being so supportive :)

  14. Ambreen, marble cakes are delicious and so beautiful, congrats for this post, mmmmmm!

  15. congratulations Ambreen this cake looks fantastic!

  16. Wow beautiful marble effect..gorgeous cake
    Congrats on your 50th post and also for the award..Keep Rocking!

  17. Congrats on your 50th post...this cake is looking so lovely.The stripes have come out rock girl!!

  18. Congrats my dear..may you have lots of success..stay happy & blessed..share more yummy recipes :)

  19. Hey Ambreen, congrats on the milestone plus the awards!! The marble cake looks so wonderful, would love to have it all by myself! :)

  20. Thank you so much everyone for your lovely comments & warm wishes. I really appreciate that :)

  21. Wow....This marble cake looks perfect...!! Congrats on ur milestone & good luck for many more such wonderful posts :) And thank u for dropping by my space Ambreen..U have a fantastic space here...Keep rocking!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  22. Congrats on your awards and 50th post! Cake looks super yumm! :P

  23. Thank you so much Prathima & Mahi for the kind words. This is one of my favorites cake recipe :)

  24. congrats!4 the 50th post uve made. the cake looks yummy and marbel cakes are delecious and r beautiful to look

  25. Thank you Jaleela for visiting & leaving nice comments :)

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