
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fried Muthi Kabab

Kababs made with a blend of ground / minced meat, onion, green chillies, mint, and spices. You can  also make meatballs from it. Simply delicious ... Fry them and enjoy as a snack on their own or prepare curries with them.

Fried Muthi Kabab

*  Prep. Time : 20 minutes
*  Cook Time : 20 minutes
*  Serves : 3 - 4

  • 500 gm. ground / minced meat
  • 2 tbsp roasted chickpeas
  • 1 tsp dessicated coconut
  • 1/2 tsp poppy seeds
  • 1/4 tsp garam masala
  • 1 tsp ginger garlic paste
  • 1 tsp salt ( or to taste )
  • 1 1/2 tsp red chillies powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp red chillies, crushed
  • Pinch of nigella seeds, optional
  • 1 tsp coriander seeds, crushed
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp mint / green coriander leaves,chopped
  • 2 green chillies, finely chopped
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup oil, for frying

  • Grind chickpeas, coconut and poppy seeds to a fine powder.
  • Combine all ingredients except oil in a large bowl.
  • Mix well and let stand 1/2 an hour to blend flavors.
  • Take some mixture. With wet hands, shape mixture into thin sausage shapes about 4" long.
  • Heat oil for shallow frying in a large pan / wok.
  • Place kababs and cook on low heat for about 15-20 minutes until light brown and cooked through. Turn off the heat.
  • To give kababs a BBQ effect, separately heat a piece of coal until red hot and place it in a small bowl inside the pot.
  • Pour 1 tbsp oil over it and immediately cover the pot. Open after few minutes.
  • Serve with tamarind chutney, salad and yogurt raita.

NOTE: Don't stir kababs with spoon as they are tender and can break. Just move the pan occasionally to turn the kababs. Kababs will leave water during cooking, cook till water dries out.

Sending this to event Any one Can Cook : Series 11

I've received two awards for participating in two different events. First award is by Aipi of US Masala  for participating in Veggie / Fruit A Month - Banana

The second one is by Akila of  Learning To Cook  for participating in the event Dish name starts with D 

Thank you Aipi & Akila for these lovely awards :)

Thank you for stopping by! Enjoy!!! 


  1. Looks very appetizing, thank you for linking with Any One Can Cook : )

  2. @ Umm Mymoonah! Thanks for the visit and your lovely comment :)

  3. Congrats on ur award, looks delicious and love the spices you have used...

  4. Congrats on those bunch of awards, enjoy. Kebabs looks totally inviting to me...wonderful recipe

  5. i am droolong here.wonderfu kabab..surey will try it soon

  6. What a delicious combination of ingredients! looks yummy!

  7. @ Treat and Trick, Malar, Torviewtoronto, Savitha & Dimah! Thank you all for your wonderful comments. It makes me glad that you liked my recipe :)

  8. looks good again, but so many ingredients I don't have
