
Friday, April 8, 2011

Gateau Gingli Rier / Sesame Seed Balls and more Awards

Gateau Gingli Rier / Sesame Seeds Balls - Laughing Cakes ... A recipe from Mauritian cuisine! These are small balls made of dough, dipped in egg, covered with sesame seeds and fried. A tasty treat for sesame seeds lovers ... ENJOY!!!

Gateau Gingli Rier / Sesame Seed Balls - Laughing Cakes
 Recipe from Recipes from Mauritius

* Prep. Time : 20 minutes
* Cook Time : 15 minutes
* Serves : 10 - 12

Ingredients :

Dough :
  • 2 cups plain flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 tbsp soft butter, softened
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 tsp. sesame seeds
  • 1 egg, whisked
  • 1 1/4 tsp. baking powder
Other :
  • 1 egg, lightly whisked
  • 1 tbsp water
  • 3/4 cups sesame seeds
  • Oil, for frying
Method :
  • Mix butter and sugar until well blended.
  • Gradually add the egg and water to the mixture. Mix well.
  • Sift flour and baking powder in a separate bowl.
  • Add flour and sesame seeds to the butter mixture.
  • Mix thoroughly until the dough is well formed. and uniform in consistency.
  • Roll out the dough into a long cylinder and cut into 30 pieces.
  • Whisk together extra egg and water in a small bowl.
  • Roll each piece into a ball. Dampen slightly with whisked egg + water mixture, then roll in sesame seeds to coat. Keep aside.
  • Heat oil in a wok or a pan for deep frying over medium heat.
  • Add sesame balls in batches and fry , turning occasionally until the surface cracks and the balls turn light golden brown.
  • Remove from oil and drain on absorbent kitchen paper.
  • Allow to cool and serve at room temperature.
  • Or store in an air-tight container, and serve as a snack with Tea.
When making balls, you may cut in on one side of the sesame balls a cross incision 1/4 deep with a sharp knife to dictate the cracking of the sesame balls during frying ( I skipped this step, but the balls still cracked ).

Sending this post to Akila of Learning to Cook's event Dish Name Starts With G

Now coming to the awards, Akheela of Torview has given this lovely participation award for the event Food Palette Series Brown. Thank you so much Akheela!

Also I would like to thank Sneha of Art of Cooking & Sunanda of Recipes from Sunanda's Kitchen for sharing with me these following awards. Thank you very much ladies, I really appreciate that you both thought of me while sharing these awards. Please check out their blog if you haven't already.

The rules of the awards are:
1. Accept the award. Post it in your blog with the name of the blogger who has given you this award with a link to his/her blog.
2. Pass it on to 15 other blogger friends…. to keep the ball rolling.
3. Let the nominated blogger know about their award [leave a comment in their most recent post].

Now, to award fellow bloggers whom I have recently found:
  2. Seema at Amchi Bong Konnexion
  3. Reshmi Mahesh at EasY CooK 
  4. Karishma at Effortless cooking. Easy baking.
  5. Shabitha at From My Home Kitchen 
  6. Mehjabeen at Jabeen's Corner
  7. revathi at Kaarasaaram 
  8. Smita at Little Food Junction
  9. Magpie at Magpies Recipes  
  10. My attempt at The Julie/Julia project at Not So Gourmet...
  11. Sonali at Only Fish Recipes  
  12. Plateful at Plateful
  13. Preety at Preety's Kitchen  
  14. Raksha at Raksha's Kitchen 
  15. Familycook at The food I cook... 
Kindly accept these awards :)

Linking this to Serve It - Fried , started by hosted this month by Denny

Thank you for stopping by. Hope you enjoy the recipe!!!


  1. Hi Ambreen, thank you so very much for generously sharing the award with me and dropping by my blog. I didnt know you were a visitor to my blog before :) also glad because now I found yours! This recipe is a very different one! Will be visiting often now and follow you! Will feature your award in my next post

  2. Congrats on your awards,wish you many many more,new recipe,sesame balls looks awesome..

  3. Hey.. that is so nice of u to share the awards with me and our fellow bloggers. Great work.. u deserve a lot more..:) The dish is truly delicious.. So simple yet delectable..:)

  4. Wow those balls looks simply adorable and delicious,congrats on ur awards..

  5. balls looks so delicious !! congrats on ur awards!! wish u many more !! keep rocking !!

  6. congrats for awards..wish you many more

    thanks for passing me the award..

    Sesame ladoos looks mom use to make these for holi..

  7. yummy and delicious :) congrats :)

  8. Hey Ambreen, Congrats on the awards and thank you so much for passing them onto me...I had no idea you were a reader of my blog but I am so glad you are and that now I know you :-) have great recipes here which I'd like to try! Following you now and thanks once again! Will feature the award on my next blog post (I will go with the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award as the others were given to me a while ago and this was something I really wished to get!)

  9. I am hearing about the recipe for the first time. Thanks for sharing it.

  10. Thanks for the awards dear :) I have already shared these with my 15 friends, what shud I do?

  11. Thank you so much Ambreen for ur loving awards.. thats was really so sweet n thoughtful..

  12. sweety,, I feel so happy,, i had to come back and thank you once again..

  13. wow...what a delicious and mouth watering recipe.....Congrats on your awards dear...u truly deserve it !n thankx a ton dear for sharing with me !I'll surely mention the awards in my next post !

  14. had never heard of these before, they look yummy! congrats on all ur well deserved awards!

  15. Wow, well done on your awards! This recipe looks really unique, as do many of your other recipes. Thanks for sharing.

  16. sounds new to me...
    gingli balls look delicious....

    Congrats on all ur awards and wishing u many more..... :)

  17. Thanks Aipi for liking it. I'm sure you can't stop after eating just one :)

    Thanks Karishma for visiting and joining me as a follower. I found your blog quite by chance, and I am really glad I did. Thanks for liking my recipes. Hope to see you around more often :)

    Thank you Suja for the warm wishes :)

    Thanks Reva for stopping by and your nice words :)

    Than you so much Priya. You're always so kind about my recipes :)

    Thanks a lot Sravs for the wishes & your nice comment. They were yummy :)

    Thank you Preety for visiting. Glad you liked it :)

    Thanks Ila for your nice words :)

    Thanks a lot Sneha for stopping by. Hope you try them :)

    Thanks Raksha for visiting. Well, I'm not sure. Maybe you can share them after some time :)

    Thanks Mehjabeen for leaving such nice comments. You really deserves these awards. Would love to hear from you again :)

    Thanks Sonali for your compliment and hope you give them a try :)

    Thanks Rupli for the wishes & your sweet comment :)

    Thanks a lot Brittany for visiting & for your words of encouragement. You have made my day :)

    Thank you Aruna for liking the recipe. I really appreciate it :)

  18. These look really beautiful and I'd love to have one or two to munch on. I also want to congratulate you of your awards. You've created a beautiful spot for your readers to visit and they are well-deserved. You asked about cream of tartar. I've never found an adequate substitute. Some people insist lemon juice works. That has not been my experience. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  19. Wow...looks the taste of sesame....Congrats in well deserve awards.......

  20. looks lovely and delicious Ambreen...

  21. Fantastic...irresistibly yumm..

  22. Hey Ambreen, those cakes are too good! I used to have something similar for tea when we lived in AbuDhabi, this reminds of those time..:)

    Congrats on your awards galore and thanks so much for thoughtfully sharing it me- much appreciated! Wish you many more to come. Cheers!

  23. Thank you so much Mary for appreciating my efforts and saying nice things. It's a great honor for me and I really appreciate it. Thanks for answering my query. God bless you!

    Thanks Kitchen Flavours for visiting and your nice comment :)

    Thank you Vimitha for stopping by and liking my post :)

    Thank you Sarah for visiting and your sweet words. Nice to hear from you :)

    Thanks Divya ... You're always so kind about my recipes. Glad you like it :)

    Thank you Plateful for stopping by & the warm wishes. Glad they brought back a few memories for you :)

  24. I'm totally in love with this! The crack actually looks delicious :) And congrats on all the awards!

  25. Thank you Min for visiting & your nice comment. They're delicious, it doesn't matter how they look like :)

  26. It is really a nice and helpful piece of information. I’m happy that you shared this
    useful info with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing hulled sesame seeds

  27. I’m not a blogger but a foodie for sure. I’m always trying to link food culture travels and I find it interesting how one thing can travel and be intertwined into another’s food culture and become theirs! My ethnic fusion begins in Hawai’i where we are truly a melting pot in the Pacific. Being a fusion myself being ethnically a fusion of cultures. Father: Chinese Filipino, Dutch,Spanish, Mother: Filipino,Japanese,Portuguese, Spanish,Hawaiian, even Bantu!

    So for me first known these ono treats from Chinese New Year as “Sesame Laughing Balls”, But My Chinese Filipino family called them “Binankal”, In Okinawa it’s known as “Andagi” (without sesame seeds). One of your comments called them Ladoos.

    Im sure there are other versions I haven’t discovered..mI’m sure it’s origins are in China, But the irony is everyone has some kind of “Donuts” ���������� mahalo for sharing!
