
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Radish & Spinach with Meat ( Moli Palak Gosht )

Radish & Spinach with Meat ( Moli Palak Gosht ) 

*  Prep. Time : 20 minutes
*  Cook Time : 60 minutes
*  Serves : 4

  • 250 gm. meat
  • 500 gm spinach ( palak )
  • 500 gm. white radish ( mooli ) with leaves
  • 1 medium onion, sliced
  • 1 tsp. cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp. ginger & garlic paste
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 1/2 tsp. red chillies powder
  • 1/4 tsp. turmeric powder
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 2 - 3 green chillies, sliced

    • Remove hard stems of spinach and radish leaves. Rinse thoroughly under running water & chop leaves.
    • Peel radish and cut in thin slices / quarters.
    • Combine all ingredients in a pan.
    • Cook on medium heat, covered till meat is done and water is almost dry ( There is no need to add water as vegetables will leave their water and will be cooked in it ).
    • Turn heat to high and cook, stirring frequently until water evaporates and the sides of the pan leave oil.
    • Add sliced green chillies,  mix well.
    • Serve hot with chapatti or Naan.

    Sending this to Food Palette - Green by Torview

    and    event Any One Can Cook - Series 12

    Thank you for stopping by! Enjoy!!! 


    1. Palak in meat...that sounds intersting and healthy too...thank u for sharing dear....

    2. Yummy spicy gravy, I like the cute little flowers on top of the gravy. Thank you for linking with Any One Can Cook : )

    3. delicious healthy dish thank you for linking

    4. Thank you Savitha, Ayeesha & Torview for stopping by and your nice comments :)

    5. Thank you Kavita for stopping by and for your nice comment.
